Coming up with an appropriate title for my travel blog about Turku was difficult. "Year in Turku" seemed too stark and simple, and "Lost in Turku" (which I guarantee you, I will be) was too mainstream.
So why "Turku Without A Map"?
I love maps. I get a map of just about every place I go. Though I currently live in Portland, I don't leave the house without a Streetwise map tucked into my bag. While my need for maps is partly due to my poor sense of direction, it is mainly a requirement for my mode of exploration- I love to wander, and get to know a city by setting off in some random direction and finding my way back. This has worked everywhere I've been so far- Tacoma, Seattle, New York, Rome, London.
Apparently, no maps of Turku exist stateside. Sure, the Turku streets are on google maps, but that is nowhere near as useful as a paper copy I can tote along with me.
So Turku will be two kinds of new adventure- my first experience being completely removed from everything I'm used to (parents, peanut butter, sunlight), and also the first city that I will get to know mapless.
The adventure starts in August- stay tuned!