Saturday, March 26, 2011


Summary of the past week:

Went to Edinburgh, came back from Edinburgh, got depressed when I realized I can't afford to study in Edinburgh. Spent three days up to my elbows in lake mud and gave myself two headaches from diatom analysis but I am almost done with the most tedious parts of lab work. In the past week I have had approximately 30 cups of coffee and only one full night's sleep. Made mac and cheese for the europeans which involved 8 cups of heavy cream and two cups of cognac. Spent last night at a Balkan Beats night at the hipster hangout in Turku which was predictably disappointing, as most things "cultural" in Turku tend to be, but high points were dancing to the undertones with Lena and enjoying some unexpected conversation with club denizens. Learned three new phrases from the Germans which make them laugh each time I say them, so, there's that.